Here are some of the zentangles I have been working on since Christmas. Although I didn't start out with a definite theme in mind they all seem to evolve into sea forms. The one on the left reminds me of a ship being tossed by waves onto the beach below, the others look like moluscs and a sea horse. The only one I cannot identify is the one on the right which is a free form; I was trying out new fillings and quite like the flow of this one. I have also done heart shaped flowers and leaves that lend themselves to wierd and wonderful fillings.
I started out filling in every inch of space on the pages with fillings, but over the months, my preferences have developed into separating these out and using white space more. I think this enhances the beauty of the different fillings.
Whilst I have favourites, I try to incorporate at least one new filling with each picture, that way I can develop, but there are one or two fillings I just cannot get to grips with. I need more tuition for these.
If you want to know more go to the Zentangle website and look at the newsletters for instructions on the fillings. It seems to be a growing interest in the USA and I've noted it growing slowly in the UK too.
5 years ago
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