Monday, 22 March 2010

New doll by Jill Maas

Jill Mass's dolls are fun and quirky and this one has me in stitches. Her name is Maggie and she is a wannabee angel, trying out her wings for the first time. Note her stripey socks but I'm not sure where they come from, maybe you can take something with you for future use?

She is just what I need to bring me out of the doldrums (no pun intended) because the last two weeks have been rubbish. With Bert in hospital and only two months to live, I became mega stressed and then I fell in the street outside my house, banging my face on the edge of the kerb and pushing my two front upper teeth into my mouth. I pushed them back but I have to wait now for 4 weeks to see if I have severed the nerves and they go black. It has been quite painful, and stressful finding things to eat that did not involve teeth - like soup - I'm really bored with that; and jelly - up a tree with that.

So, as I can't go to the market, I'm taking time to be creative and hence Maggie, my saviour.

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