I went scrapping last night and had a wonderful time with likeminded ladies. The theme was snow and I had a couple of photos of my dogs' first snow experience which has made a nice piece.
It was someone's birthday so chocolate cakes were set out with cups of tea, but unfortunately I don't like chocolate and felt quite ill after an hour of smelling this cake beside me; must be something wrong with me, but I much prefer cheese and savory items.
We had access to a couple of machines that allowed us to cut snowflakes and words from our cards, but time ran out for me as I was anxious to get back to Digger and see if he had recovered from the anaesthetic. So I packed up and came home to finish my piece with what I had in my drawers.
Today Digger is up and about bounding around and making the usual noise for attention, and I never thought I'd be glad of it, but I am.
A tip : I came across this quite by accident - as you do - as I had a piece of curly clear plastic (as seen in the IMT challenge picture) I wanted to add it to a piece so I painted it with black acrylic paint, but it didn't look right, so I went over it with glitter glue. Much to my surprise the glitter glue, when dried, detatched itself from the plastic but still held together so I was able to attach it to the Key piece. I think you need to paint it with the acrylic paint first as a separator, but you could turn the curls over and do a reverse image - so many possibilities!
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