Friday, 3 April 2009


Yesterday's Inspire Me Thursday's challenge was KEY which suggested to me a musical key and I looked out pictures of clarinets because that was what my daughter used to play, and very well I might add. But clarinets don't have much impact as a photo so I had to choose something else - like the guitar. I'm hoping the musical score is actually CMajor, so forgive me if it isn't, I'm hopeless at reading music. At least this piece is on time, not like the last one - Ghost, that was done in such a hurry.

Digger is at the Vets at the moment, as his toenail hasn't come off and needs to be taken away instead. I felt so awful leaving him there as it's the first time he has been separated from us since he came to live with us and tonight is my scrapbook club. Still I can make it up to him tomorrow. It is so quiet at home without him, I didn't realise he was so noisy and Peggy keeps looking for him out of the livingroom window.

Must play a bit more with Violet and take my mind off him.


ELK said...

enjoyed seeing the "key" ~elk

soulbrush said...

i really like this a lot.