Last week was great as my son, Gareth, arrived for 4 days and helped put a few problems right around the house. The dogs loved him, as you can see him fighting with them here. I also got to go out to my favourite pub with him for a Mother's Day lunch and it was he who bought me the Rome game - sadly I am no general and have failed miserably to appease the senate or to conquer any foreign places.
Monday was worrying as Digger had made his paw raw and bleeding again but it was Easter Monday and a visit to the vet would have cost a fortune. After a sleepless night I managed to get him into the Vets that morning and he was bandaged up and an elizabethan collar applied. We had to make it extra big because he managed to get to the bandage with the first collar and ripped a piece off and swallowed it, much to the vet's consternation. I had to hold his front end under my arm and the vet had to hold his back end under his arm just to get a bandage on the foot, and all of this set my condition off. By the time I had left the surgery, put Digger into the car, I was a nervous wreck and decided to get some Rescue Remedy from the nearest chemist. However, wouldn't you know it, I chose the smallest size that had label underneath of £3.10 but when I went to the counter to pay I was asked for £5.25! I queried the price and then we went through the rigmaroll of checking the shelf, moving the price to the proper place and checking the computer to see which price it should be and all this time I'm dancing up and down metaphorically, wanting to get out of the shop and down the dose.
That set the tone for the week as we had a newcomer to the market who was put in the next bay to me. He set up his area completely to the edge and moved his bench into my bay to sit and used a gap between my stalls and his to talk to customers. I sat stewing but I knew if I got into an argument I would not be able to compose myself, so I mentioned it to a friend who had a quiet word with him. He apologised and we left it amicably, and I gave him a few tips to show I was friends again but it added to my stress levels.
Today I took Digger back to the vet for a checkup and his toe is healing nicely, plus the bonus of a new nail growing from the root (maybe this is catching and causing the bleeding). The bad news is he has to keep the collar on for another week, poor soul. I decided to go shopping straight from the vets but had forgotten my shopping bags, so I had to ask for bags at the checkout. The checkout lady was most offhand and made me feel dreadfully guilty for asking for them as she grudgingly gave me 3 and when I asked for another 2 was quite put out with me. Is it so bad to ask for bags? My stress levels are getting a hammering this week, just when I thought I was cured.

Finally, here is Violet, my goth doll, I made a concentrated effort to finish her this week. She has little lacy pants and a skirt of leaves and a top to match. Her hands and fingers are wired so that she can be posed or hold items.
in fact I had a sewing bee in my bonnet and also made 3 waistcoats, 3 bow ties, and 3 cravats. I wanted to put a green waistcoat on my dummy and made a green bow tie to match but murphy's law came along as a customer wanted that bow tie, not the waistcoat; so now I'll have to make another for Thursday. I also want to make a ladies waistcoat to show a different style/design. Several women have been asking for them but I don't do darts or fashion seams so inventing a style that allowed for the bust but not the shaping was quite a challenge. I made one this week for a lady who bowled and had to wear all white; thankfully she was thrilled with it.