...Not long to my holiday, that is. I bought a pair of walking shoes today so I could keep up with Maureen (captive playmate) when she hikes round the Isle of Wight. Last Thursday saw me at the market again where I sold my long waistcoat - would you believe it, he wanted pockets too but my crystal ball was at the cleaners! The drawing he had given me did not have pockets but as I pointed out I can put them on the next one (ploy to get more business) then I can have the black one back and add them then - Whew!!!
Today I went to a craft demo at Atlantic Village where I expected too much. I had thought it would be more organised but there was this poor lady on a little piece of the counter trying to demonstrate different ways of making cards. Well, as you now know, I don't do cards, I scrap so I soon lost interest; plus there was mention of a goody bag, but not sign of that either! However, the trip there and back was delightful, the sun shone and the birds sang and the traffic was minimal - wonderful. I finished off with a MacDonalds chicken deli in the garden and a cup of tea.
I have so many ideas buzzing round my brain at the moment that I shall be glad to get started and have printed off pictures of the ideas and articles in case I forget anything.
Next week is going to be busy with taking both dogs to social club on Monday plus the arrival of my BT vision box and the home hub has already arrived (Ed to the rescue here). Wednesday the dogs to the kennels for a night-over and I have to rush there for them on the Thursday morning to get back in time for a trip by coach to West Point Craft fair with Maureen. On Friday I get my hair cut at last, Jodie has been on holiday for two weeks just when I wanted her expertise so I had to hack my fringe myself and she'll be most annoyed with me. Then it will be the weekend of my birthday and Ed is coming on Sunday evening and to spend most of Monday with me - bless him.
I doubt I'll see Bert as he is still quite poorly and having lots of tests at the local hospital although we think he might have Crohn's disease and once diagnosed this can be treated with drugs and diet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for another week just in case.
My daughter, Stephanie, has just started blogging here http://shellabear.blogspot.com/ and we can keep up to date with her doings on a more regular basis.
5 years ago
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