All sorts happening
It has been a while since I was able to blog and I'm getting withdrawal symptoms. Over the past two weeks I have been able to finish Mum's journal fo
r Christmas and start another one. Digger (Digby) has settled in and been registered with the vet etc. so he is here to stay. Peggy had her operation on Monday and I had to sit with her for 3 days because she has to have a very large cone around her head, bless her. Apparently she has a very long nose for such a small dog - and I though it was her ears that attracted all the attention! This makes it impossible for her to see steps so she cannot get up the garden without help and forget about the dog flap - she is going nowhere through that.
Digger has been marvellous with her except when she arrived home with the cone, he objected quite strongly to it and to the smell of the hospital but that wore off after a day or two and now they are best of friends (!) at the moment. Also something is going through her like a dose of salts and she gets quite distressed during the night and my rugs in the kitchen have had quite a washing cycle. Peggy goes for a checkup this afternoon, and I'll get something to settle her stomach then.Bert was rushed into hospital last Thursday with a blood problem, but came out during the weekend. He is still having exploratory and blood tests to find out what the problem is, so I don't think I'll see him any time soon, although he is phoning twice a day to let me know how he is progressing. He sounds a little better but also depressed because he is having to sit and be quiet, not a happy teddy.Yesterday I attended a small workshop a
t a card f
actory nearby, with 11 other ladies, and we had a great time making an exploding box. This is my first workshop which takes place on the first Wednesday of each month and we make different things each time. Next month it will be a decoupage card (I think). However, I brought some papers home to make another with a more streamlined box. I did ask how to send these boxes through the post and was told "expensively!" - definitely a giving present rather than a sending one.
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