Tuesday was again a very nice day although rain had been promised, so they went shopping whilst I stayed at home for the morning, then we had a quick lunch and loaded up the car for the beach.

Wednesday saw them getting ready to leave, and I tried out my Wii-fit, setting it up and loading my software. It was great fun watching the little Mii take on a 63 year old stance. Mike had a go at the tennis on the Wii-Sports programme, but he was a bit too tall for the sensor on top of the TV. I believe, given the chance, he could really get to grips with it or maybe the Golf was more his thing. Then as it rained they went off to the Adventure park nearby to spend most of the day before leaving and travelling back to Salisbury then heading home to Munich at the weekend. I took Thursday off from the market and finished off my bad waistcoat and made two matching bow ties which were all sent off on the Friday.
Today, I am catching up on all my little jobs and sorting out my journal folder. Sue had asked us to pick out two of our words and cut out magazine pieces relating to those words and paste them on the relevant pages. I think I chose the hardest words - Challenge and Learn - because I could not find much in the way of pictures or sayings that were relevant. I managed to get some together and pasted them into the book. It is quite amazing how this changed the whole outlook of the book and I suddenly found out why we were doing it. I stitched little pockets onto the thick pages and banners for each word. Doing this made me realise I had missed two sets of pages for two words and I went back to my paints and papers to remedy the missed pages.
One of the magazines I had bought (I don't usually buy these) had an article for a walking programme which took my interest. Since moving to Devon I haven't been able to find the right way to exercise, hence the Wii-fit, but this walking programme showed that you could get fit just walking every day, so I downloaded the instructions and ordered a pedometer ready to start my base line. I'm hoping Peggy and I will both benefit from this exercise, along with the Wii-fit programmes that my Physio has asked me to do. Up to now I have lost 3 lb of the 4lb target in two weeks that I set up. Today I have increased my exercises and included a couple of new ones. I must say the Wii-Fit is a lot of fun as well as improving posture and balance; you just have to ignore the little fatty that runs around the screen! My latest achievement has been to get all the balls into the holes in the balance programme - top marks!
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