I've managed to put together the second signature for Mother's journal. The w
ords were Knowledgeable, Worrier and Fashion-aware (I didn't know what word applies here really but wanted to convey a person who looked after herself and dictated her own fashion, not what the shops said she should wear). I made this the middle pages because of the poem "Warning", I thought it would appeal to her sense of humour.

Knowledgeable was again a word that could be interpreted many ways, so I concentrated on the brain and how to retain the knowledge rather than the content of that knowledge (which covers such a wide spectrum). When I speak to Mum I can always count on her to have information on any subject and she is always interested in what is going on - in the world and the family.
Worrier was more dif
ficult, as I didn't want to dwell on the negative aspects, so I found some little sets of sayings that boosted the "feel good" factor. I added two green tea bags as this is supposed to be good for us. Maybe I'll find other things to add later on.

Also, looking through my workshops I came across a piece of art by Maggie Grey that could be interpreted for the journal. I used pipe cleaners beaded and wrapped in knitting yarn, and strips torn from a page painted by my granddaughter, Lucy (aged 5) and wove them into a grid. I added paper beads made from tiny strips with the edges dipped in copper paint and rolled up, the whole piece was stitched onto some green dyed calico I had just finished. I called this piece "Worry Beads". The right hand side is blank so that Mum can add to it.
Well, next task is to tidy up the garden ready for Bert arriving on Friday. We have a busy week ahead, with the market tomorrow, a wedding on Saturday then Peggy is off to summer camp at the Kennels whilst we head south to Plymouth and my youngest son, Edward and family, for a well earned holiday. This will be our first holiday since moving to Devon and I'm really looking forward to it.
1 comment:
I am really enjoying watching you create this journal!
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