Saturday 14 November 2009

Another challenge

Here is my latest challenge piece - a zentangle! The challenge word was FASHION and whilst doing a search I came across the title in the Times newspaper and I just had to use it! Then my copy of Cloth Paper Scissors came through the door with an article on Zentangles and my vision came together. So instead of cutting out waistcoats which I should have done, I watched TV and zentangled instead. I could get used to this type of art because there is no limit and no guidelines as such. I just watched a utube video for 7 minutes and away I went. I had no idea this was out there and that so many people were doing it. There is even challenges set up and some really beautiful artwork done. Next time I'll try it with a pen instead of a pencil (I thought I'd need to use a rubber but amazingly that was not needed).

1 comment:

Barbara Hagerty said...

Your zentangle background is FABULOUS!