Thursday, 12 May 2011

More grist to the mill

As you can see I have added to my stock of goodies for the market in July. I didn't like the cream sleep pillows I made first and have ditched them and made organza pillows instead. I've filled little organza bags with lavender to fill the hatbox, plus large bags of lavender for customers to fill their own.  The lace on the medium bag is taken from a table runner and glued onto the front of the bags once filled, then a little baby's breath glued on top. Very fiddly. I have also filled little bottles with lavender essential oil and sealed them ready for labels and pricing tags. Also, not pictured here, I filled tiny organza bags and placed 9 into a circular tub, tied purple ribbon round them and glued a couple of flowers on top. I'll put up a picture next time I blog.

I never realised how much time it takes to tag every item, but customers won't pick items up unless they have a price and a 'Made in Devon' label to take home with them, so it's worth it in the end. I also have to put large notices with each item on the stall like the "4 for £2.00" for the hatbox and descriptive notes on lavender for customer queries.

This week has been especially busy because my washing machine broke down, then the tap connection under the sink started dripping like mad so I had to turn the water off and this meant waiting in for repair men to come and charge me the earth to rectify everything. Isn't it strange that electrical goods always break down together as if they have a union - one out, all out?

Well, back to work...

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