I came to a full stop last week, I felt so tired that I spent days just sitting and reading - not like me at all, but thankfully my mood is over and I'm now back on track with my stock making. I have come up with a few new ideas having ditched a couple of items that are not selling. Plus my workshop has gained a ceiling, floor and end wall thanks to my new man friend. As soon as I have more cash flow I'll get him to finish the outer and inner walls too. This would mean I'll have a lovely warm room to work in instead of freezing during the winter and a bonus of saving on my heating bills.
Christmas is round the corner so I'm working next Sunday as well as all the Sundays leading up to Xmas in December. This will be a first for me and I'm wondering if it will be too much to do two days together...we'll see.

These little beaded socks are knitted in purple, lilac or white crochet cotton on no.14 sock needles and I've had many lovely comments on them as I sit there in the market knitting them.
I'm now working on a bath soak, a combination of lavender and epsom salts and think I will put them into an organza pyramid sachet to make them more interesting. But that's for Xmas.
I am also giving out a brochure to visitors to Barnstaple market to launch a mail order scheme. I have not had much luck with this in the past but hopefully it may take off. The saying is 'nothing ventured nothing gained' so here goes...
You may have spotted the mention of a man in my life, Joe, he live about 1.5 hours away but makes the journey each week to visit me and takes an interest in my work. He has shown me all round North Devon, Exmoor and the coast and I've seen more of North Devon in the last six months than I have in the past 5 years. It is very beautiful in a wild and craggy way and the more I see the more I want to explore other parts.