Also I fin
ished my course Sampler Book. It was very intense and very interesting and I can thorougly recommend the course. The pages consist of pictures on fabric, extravorganza and transparency and I went for pictures of my parents and grandparents that were in black and white (or sepia) and seemed to lend themselves to this book. So it is a Memory book as well as a reference book.

Bert is back at his sister's house now and I've been able to talk to him every day. His speech is improving and he seems more positive about things even planning to come to Devon next week, although the Stroke specialist said she would be visiting him but as yet has not kept the appointment she made so maybe next week will be a bit premature.
Well must get back to my waistcoats of which I have to make 5 this week with 2 pending arrival of fabric for the following week. This is always a busy time for me, the summer being not the weather for waistcoats so I get to take a few months off...Hurrah!
Great photos. I write loads of poetry but haiku usually defeat me.
This is lovely. I had to enlarge it to read it but the words and the illustration are lovely!
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