This is that doll I was blogging about last time, the one with the awful face, but there was nothing I could do about it once I'd painted it on unfortunately. Still, first attempt and on the way up, as they say.
The wings are made from craft wire, angelina fantasy film and glue. I heated the film after the glue set and burned some holes at strategic points (and not so strategic) and the main problem as getting both sides to match. I used glitter glue and alcohol inks on the film to give it a little bling. I have to thank Deb Wood http://www.debwood.com/tutorials.htm for the tutorial on the web and she also does a great tut on more complicated wings which I'm hoping to try next.
I waited in all day to receive my new mobile phone - the E71 - because my other one is acting up big time and I'm missing a lot of calls. Also the battery seems to be giving up life as we know it so I don't know where I am with it at any given time. However, the new one has arrived and is charging up nicely and I hope to get to grips with it this evening.
Bert is still in hospital but I'm told his brain is OK, and although his eyes are a bit hazy he hasn't suffered much damage from the stroke. He is in a room on his own at the moment and bored out of his tree but his sister won't let him have his mobile yet - I wonder what she thinks he'll get up to?
I finished all the pages for my sampler book course and sent them to the web for comments and tomorrow is the last week when we get to put everything together. It was an intensive course and used up lots of stash, and each page used a different technique which was marvellous - I really enjoyed the course and you can see it at www.joggles.com. I'll post the book after I've put the pages together.
Also I've made my adult and two children's waistcoats ready for Thursday, just have to make two bow ties for the boys and I'm ready to go.
Well, I have a new Crusade to go through with GPP Street and Maggie Grey's workshop on the web zine so I'm having some me time tonight! You can see Maggie's zine on www.workshopontheweb.com and buy a subscription there, it's well worth it.