Wednesday was lesson 3 of my sampler course but I'm struggling to concentrate on that and only did one page. Thursday was market day and I collected orders for 1 adult and 4 children's waistcoats.

Friday night I went to scrapbooking evening and made a page called 'My Hero' mainly because that was the challenge from Mixed Media Monday - too late to upload but never mind, I did it.
Today I spent
most of the day at a loca
l quilt shop that also does day courses and this one was Mixed Media where we stuck, sewed, blasted with a heat gun and doodled over several pieces of silk and organza with all sorts of bits caught up inside. I had a great time and got to show off my super, mega Husqvana machine. The lady next to me was so new to sewing with a machine she had to be shown how to thread and snapped the needle after two stitches! bless her. She was a lovely person and so prone to mishaps, but she did manage to get two pieces done even so. The gold piece has a crisp packet stitched on and zapped with the heat gun.

Also this week, I managed to make a fairy, she's got an awful face, but it is the first one I've done so maybe I'll improve. I'm in the process of making wings for her with wire, angelina film and alcohol inks; I'll post pictures when she is finished but I'm having trouble with her hair at the moment and no girl should go out without her hair being immaculate.
One good thing this week is that the weather is a lot warmer and the mornings are getting lighter earlier - like when I get up instead of me having to trip around in the dark.
Inspire Me Thursday's challenge was 'the moon' so that will set me thinking again and possibly doing something zany, who knows?
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