Bert arrived New Year's Eve so I was able to celebrate in style by going out for dinner and a few bevvies, but I was home and in bed for 9pm, so there!
We spent a few days really dossing and enjoying life until the electrician I had found appeared on the doorstep wanting to see what my job in the workshop was. Well, after my previous experience with local workmen I didn't expect him to appear especially so soon after New Year. He was horrified at the state of my electrics to the workshop. I had an extension from the upstairs bedroom socket down through the ceiling of the kitchen to another extension that went into the lobby and then another extension to the workshop and then another over the ceiling joists to the otherside of the room. Each 4 gang extension had all 4 sockets used and he wondered why it hadn't blown up yet.
He came back on the Monday and put me a circuit breaker in the lobby and fed all the sockets I wanted off that. He made such a good job I would not hesitate to recommend him to anyone else. He also does property maintenance and grass cutting - a real find.
However we had to spend Sunday taking everything out of where he would be working and Tuesday putting everything back and now I can't find a thing! I took Bert back to the station very early on Wednesday and went to the market on Thursday where I picked up an order for a waistcoat for a wedding. It was wanted for Friday lunchtime and meant I had to get up early yet again, try to find space and worktools in the workshop and make a special sized waistcoat plus go to the dentist at 10am. I managed somehow and had it ready for 12:40 - just in time. Talking of dentists, I have found this really ace dentist at a surgery next to Tesco's so I can use their carpark, whom I call 'speedy gonzales' because despite what work he has to do I am never there more than 5 minutes in and out! Yesterday he capped my front tooth, drilled and filled and upper tooth, all without an injection (no pain whatever) and wished me Happy New Year - amazing!
Today I am wending my way through a huge pile of washing and making a little book from an article I found in a scrapping magazine. I also have two purse books to create too besides all my course work.
I had a mental abberation two days ago and put my name down for an art doll swap and now I'm scared to death as this is my first swap. I want to do an egyptian doll because my sister and son have both just recently been there, so I've done some research and gathered some ideas and sketches but actually making the doll is going to stretch me as I have to do all the dying of fibres and fabrics myself.
What was that I said about stress and time management???
5 years ago
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