I have almost caught up with my wii fit scores, but not quite. However I did decide to have a go at the step aerobics, a really fun exercise except I got it massively wrong the first time. Well, you would if you were a beginner! It was OK to go up, up, down, down but when they went side to side I lost the plot and my score was a miserable 83. But I persevered and the second time I got a score of 189. This morning I tried again and took that up to 230 and unlocked a Step Plus and I just had to have a go. Again up, down - no problem, side to side = OK but then they went one further - swing your leg but do not step - Huh! then again turn sideways and step onto the board and even further still - go faster!!! I think I'll give that one a miss until I master the Step Basics.
I got good marks for my latest course work. I decided to change HESITANT to LEARN because I thought it married with STRUCTURE. As I explained to Sue, I love to learn something new every day but I tend to jump in at the deep end and forget you need to know the basic structure of any technique before you can meet your aspirations - and I find my skills don't
meet my aspirations frequently.

For the LEARN I created a stencil of a tree with lots of leaves and marked each leaf with a source of learning i.e. libraries, mistakes, history etc. and put it on a colourful background that I had made.
For the STRUCTURE I drew a market square with streets leading off, the streets had na
mes like Structure Street, Routine Lane, Guideline Grove with houses in a formation to suggest strength and stability. They lead to Creativity Park where imagination could soar and where I'd like to be all the time but I have to go through the other lanes first.

The blue painting is showing a carved leaf stamp using gold lumiere paint and seemed to get the most mention from my fellow students. I haven't completed all the work yet and still have to get out my glue gun and heat gun to finish but some of my supplies have not yet arrived and are holding me up. Still plenty of time yet for the postman to arrive.
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