I have been trying to resist blogging for quite a while but have now given in due to events such as joinging Fibre and Stitch, Sue Bleiweiss's mixed media course etc.etc. It seems the best way to let the family and friends see what I have been up to without having to send oodles of large photos across the ether.
What have I been up to...you really want to know??? Where shall I start, perhaps the beginning, sort of, maybe?
Last year I joined an online zine group called Fiber and Stitch, edited by Sue Bleiweiss ( a talented fibre artist and teacher). Sue set us monthly challenges from the quarterly zine and they have been quite a lot of fun.
I made this piece of tissue paper with a backing of muslin, two layers of tissue paper and added paint, lace, scrim and a picture. As a first try it was not bad but I have done better since especially when I have a definite project in mind.
Then we were aske
d to produce a three sided mini jap
anese screen. I used two fractals I had in my folder, printed them onto silk with my printer and embellished them with FME in gold and a few beads. I added chopsticks as supports thinking they were in keeping with the overall image.
My son liked them so much he asked me to do a set for one of his friends.
The last item I attem
pted was a vessel, as this was around 14th February I went for a red/love/romantic look and as we had to include 3 kitchen items, I used silver foil, a base of kitchen towells dab painted red and an old dishcloth painted red and cut into little worm lie strings. The whole was covered with a scattering of dark red organza ribbon, little hearts, and overall white voil. Then I added ribbon and leaves and made flower heads out of silver foil with a ruby centre. The tops of the vessell were embellished with red hearts and heart shaped beaded dangles. You may be able to see the curled red wire at the sides with white chip beads in you look closely.
That was the last project I was able to do because I also make mens waistcoats and sell them at the local market. They seem to have taken off and some weeks I have so many orders I am working more than I want to. It is supposed to be a hobby but like Topsy it is growing and growing, but it gets me out of the house and meeting people and getting to know my local area; which is wonderful!
This is my stall at the market where I can be seen every Thursday. I started out with evening bags and a couple of waistcoats and now the waistcoats have taken over and seem to be very popular. I'm told that men cannot get coloured waistcoats or coloured backs without paying an arm and a leg for them which seems a pity. I also had a troll through the internet for children's waistcoats and they are extortionately priced. Anyway, I'm a happy bunny, fulfilling a niche and working from home for myself.
Next I'll tell you all about my course with Sue Bleiweiss and the projects I have been working on.
1 comment:
All of these projects are wonderful! Those screens are fantastic - wow!
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