The second book cover was done using cut up dress patterns on felt. Again I sprayed it with walnut ink but it came out a not nice green, so I covered it with black chiffon. We also learned how to put signatures (pages) into the middle of the journal.
Week 3 saw us struggle with a concertina book and a vase. I following Sue's instructions, which are so easy, and made the little 4"x4" book.
This is made with felt, mulberry bark and silver foil. The embellishments are silk rod and cocoons.
However the vase was another thing altogether. I had to dye silk hankies, embellish them and put them over a mold (I used an upside down tall pasta jar covered with clingfilm). Then we used a stiffener to make the vase rigid and stand up on it's own. Mine was OK but several of the other students had problems getting the stiffener to work or get the vase off the mold. Lots of fun for us all.
I am now waiting to see what we have in store for this week and will post as soon as I get it completed. However this week could be a bit fraught, as my Mother and Brother-in-law are staying for 3 days, my eldest son is arriving Wednesday and someone else on Friday.
This is my stall at the market where I can be seen every Thursday. I started out with evening bags and a couple of waistcoats and now the waistcoats have taken over and seem to be very popular. I'm told that men cannot get coloured waistcoats or coloured backs without paying an arm and a leg for them which seems a pity. I also had a troll through the internet for children's waistcoats and they are extortionately priced. Anyway, I'm a happy bunny, fulfilling a niche and working from home for myself.
Next I'll tell you all about my course with Sue Bleiweiss and the projects I have been working on.