November's Mixed Media Monday challenge was 'Boxes' and I had an idea I had been playing with for a while - in my mind - so now was the time to bring it into being. I have been experimenting with shapes for some time now and a bird box had taken my eye when I visited a friend's garden where she had loads of them nailed to her house wall. They were all colours but the same basic shape. I think the one I came up with has too large a hole in the front and next time I'll make it smaller. It could not have a roof either because there would be no way of using it to carry anything or add a little present. So I added a ribbon on the inside of the front appex and tied it through an eyelet hole on the back to keep it together. The bluebirds are made from some pieces of fabric paper, painted and stamped with writing and the flowers are glued onto ribbon bases.
Apart from that I'm busy making Christmas presents and little things for Sue's stall, such as bookmarks, glasses cases and lavender sleep pillows.
My cooking is taking a life of it's own and I'm looking out previous cook books for recipes and inspiration. It is difficult cooking for one because the food becomes boring after the second helping, so I think I'll have to invest in some freezer bags or boxes to carry the meals over into another week.
Has anyone seen the Cloth Paper Scissors mag for this month - it has some very interesting ideas in it and I'm going to try out the Christmas card workshop on page 30 but not in wax, I can get in quite a mess without that, but I do have ideas of how to apply the principle to create some cards. I'll post an example soon.