Unfortunately I learned this week that my Stitched Textile Group is going dormant for a while and as I had already done my piece for this month - MOTHS AND THE MOON - I thought it best to lodge it here so I don't lose it. This is the Lunar Moth and the background is made from painted ludrador, cut and shaped with a soldering iron to look like tree bark. The lutrador is painted with quink ink and lumier textile paints. The moth is made from pale green organza with trapped angelina between the layers. I made the body from a piece of cocoon stripping, stuffed and attached to the 5" wings (actual moth size).
This week I had a backlog of 6 waistcoats so I had to really go for it and achieved 5 of them, and I had two more orders yesterday so that will keep me busy next week.
Bert has finished his radium treatment but it has left him very tired and anaemic, so our plans for him to come down today had to be postponed until next week. He has to wait 6 weeks to clear the radium from his system then have a scan and see if the surgeon can operate on the tumours.