My daughter is missing my missives! Well, beloved, here is what I've been up to since the last blog... In the last week of August I called in to my local scrap warehouse to see what we were doing at the monthly scrap club. I was shown the Wysteria papers (which I had just bought) and a layout for that night. However, when I arrived the teacher had been so organised that she had put away several packs for the coming months and we had been shown the wrong ones. Instead of a muted blue we had olive green and rose red, which did not go with my photos at all. But I set too and made up the layout, just laying my photos in the right places so I could add the right ones later. When I got home I printed out photos of my mother and father and another of their wedding as these were just the right scenes for the antique layout.
I started back at the local market last Thursday too, and as several people had been waiting for my return (lucky me!) I picked up 4 orders and sold a couple of items off the stall.
This month's Stitched Textile group challenge was a poem from Walter de la Mare, "When the Rose is Faded"...this gave me some problems as I'm no good at doing roses, but something in one of today's emails made me think that roses didn't need to come into it, just the reference to them. So I have started a piece that should answer the call. I do seem to be having trouble getting back into my challenges, and I've missed several months of the Mixed Media Monday and Inspire Me Thursday which I enjoyed previously. I must settle down to thinking about these again as I miss doing them.
I have started several presents for Christmas, as I love to make more personal presents for then. Several ideas have popped up in my magazines and some quite unusual too. Hopefully my recipients will think the same, but maybe not...
I am using my wrist as much as possible, but there is still trouble under the surface, a bone is loose and keeps pinching a nerve which makes my little finger go dead, but I see the surgeon in two weeks so hopefully they can sort it out for me.
Apart from that, I am sitting in my garden in the sun, using the new patio, and reading a lot at the moment because you never know when it will end and we get the dreaded wind and rain etc.