I had some more fun with my More Journalling class and made the last of the journals - a piano hinge book. Needless to say that when I found out we were doing this type of book last week, I went out and bought a proper piano hinge. BUT, of course I didn't need it. Does anyone know what I should do with it...don't answer that!

Here is the book, by the way, more for display than practical use, but the hinge could work on other journals such as a pocket book or scaled down and using painted cuticle sticks, or a wedding book with pockets and pages - lots of ideas to explore.
I have also had a go at making
hobgoblins for my granddaughters in York. I went through my loft stash again and found bits and pieces and with a little experimenting, made these little fun guys. Bert is here this week, creating mayhem because of the rain and he can't get out to do stuff. It keeps showering on him whilst he tries to work.

We spent a sunny Saturday in Plymouth taking Ed out for a birthday bash. The train journey down was eventful because at Exeter 50 spanish students got on the train along with two cyclists and their cycles and as the train only had two carriages and no guard's van they clogged up the aisle so that no-one could get by. At the next station 50 french students crammed onto the train, then a troop of scouts were squeezed in at one end. We spent the next hour amidst this mass of bodies all shouting in their different languages. All of us got off at Plymouth and soon disappeared into the town and Ed was there on the station platform ready to take us home to meet the family and then out to enjoy ourselves...and we did. We got home at 20:00 very tired but extremely happy.