Saturday, 26 December 2009
Tired Dogs
My mother asked me to put up photos of my dogs, Peggy Sue and Digger for a neighbour's daughter to see. We have just been to the local park and had a long walk round and up the estuary and they came back absolutely black with mud etc. I washed them down and they are now sitting in the sun drying off.
Christmas Day was great with phone/skype calls from all my children, Mother and Bert. I was very lucky to get vouchers for Rainbow Silks and an online stamp company, so when they arrive (snow permitting) I'll be able to indulge my passion for buying creative goodies.
I made quilted book bags for my 3 granddaughters and they seem to be quite a success, Edith filled hers with a bananmilk bottle and other goodies and put it under her new pram. However, they were derived from a reference in a medievel novel when in the 1100's monks and clerics were the only ones taught to read and write and books were copied, bound and kept in leather satchels and hung on pegs in a librarium. I put a matching journal in Lucy's and little books in Edith and Nancy's bags to start them off.
It seems really strange that here in Devon the sun is shining and it is lovely and warm, when other counties further north are having cold and wintry weather and my Mother has been practically snowbound; not that I'm complaining, mind.
Sunday, 20 December 2009

Friday, 20 November 2009
Monday, 16 November 2009
Sunday, 15 November 2009
What a busy weekend
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Another challenge
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Inspire Me Thursday challenge
As the inspiration was SPAIN, which to me means Salvador Dali, I based this picture loosely (how loose can you get) on his painting of 'Persistence of Memory' or the Melting Clocks. My picture has a runner racing the clock trying to catch a memory that has eluded him and hopefully a spanish looking background. I feel very much in tune with this runner as I'm always trying to remember what I should be doing next.
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Woe, woe, thrice woe...
I did complete this month's Stitched Textile challenge - Moths and the Moon - but I'm not showing it until end of the month. We also decided to pick up on the Cloth Paper Scissors challenge for an Earth Mother Art Doll, so I'm thinking about that too. My scrap club was cancelled yet again, so nothing there, in fact a rather boring month all told.
Watch this space...
Monday, 19 October 2009
Bert is out of hospital now but still has his chemo to go through, and hopefully he'll be home soon.
My Christmas presents are coming along, and I have found loads of inspiration from websites, there are a lot of good ideas about for those little stocking presents.
Monday, 12 October 2009
However, I have been making Christmas presents which I cannot show, and taking part in a doll course from making Cindee Moyer's Raven doll. Here is the penultimate product:
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
A call to blog

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Thursday, 6 August 2009
New doll

This next piece was made at my scrap club and shows a picture taken by my friend Patty in the USA. She was holidaying in the south and found this stagecoach apparently abandoned. It makes a wonderful focal point for the papers we were given at the club. Unfortunately I won't be able to go this month because my wrist is still in a splint and I can't drive, not that I would be ableto keep up with everyone once there, so I'll have to wait until next month.
Next Monday my daughter and family arrive and I have much to do to make them confortable. On Thursday I head for York and my middle son and his family. I'm going on a coach trip so I'll be seeing Whitby and Harrowgate too, and that is something I've wanted to do for a long time. So, lots of fun next week, I just hope the weather keeps sunny so that I can take lots of lovely photos.
Monday, 27 July 2009
fun on a rainy day

Thursday, 23 July 2009
A quick blog

The second two photos are of a crazy quilting technique using some pieces of fabric I had stashed in my loft. I just love the sunflowers on the paper covers inside. This was fun to do and gave me ideas for more of the same.

Saturday, 18 July 2009

Saturday, 11 July 2009
At last, some time to myself!

Friday, 3 July 2009
Not a happy teddy!

Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Summer weather - lovely

Monday, 8 June 2009
More challenges

Last Friday I went to my monthly scrapping club and the teacher there gave us this rather tricky layout to copy. Weaving circles and strips whilst sticking them down was rather a challenge and I also had to get the strips at right angles to each other whilst doing this. The picture is a bit off, but the lines are straight - honest.
We were given two lengths of silk to do the cross stitch round the thin circles and I just about made it last. When I got home I put a few more embellishments onto it, to make it mine, so to speak, as I felt the flowers were too small to give a proper impact.
Sunday, 7 June 2009
This week's challenges

By contrast, the next journal was made in black velvet. I had been on a course where we made the yellow fabric (see Februrary) and I cut it into an oblong and 3 squares and couched them down, then added the stuffed silk edging. I stuffed this knitted silk edging with string, but it is not quite right for the ties, it is too stiff, but OK for edging the journal. The silver you can see on the fabric is actually a crisp packet that has been heat blasted.
Both journals have hand dyed and stamped insides and one signature of 10 papers. Well, that's my weekend play and now I have to tidy up my workshop for the week ahead, when I hope to go through some interesting techniques.
Watch this space...
Friday, 5 June 2009
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