Thinking back the week started with a series of mishaps (like it does when you're already stressed) starting with BT; does anyone else have trouble with BT? I got yet another bill for BT Vision which I had returned after only one night's viewing. I thought it was total rubbish and vastly preferred my Sky+. Anyway they have been billing me since September and each month I have to ring and tell them to sort it out which is not easy when they are in India and I'm in the UK. Anyway I lost my rag and told the operator to sort it out himself as I was not being transferred yet again to another department and I was not paying any bills. Whether that has happened we'll see. Then the boiler pressure was showing zero and I didn't know how to alter it so that was another 15 minutes whilst I went through a, b, c, then 1, 2, 3 etc. only to find that I had to phone Baxi direct...and another a, b, c, then 1, 2, 3 blah, blah...and when someone answered it took him 2 seconds to tell me what to do. I had two waistcoats to make to send out for Wednesday but I don't know if they got there in time. Then the light bulbs started popping and I bought some spares and found they were bayonet and not screw-in and had to be taken back and exchanged...and all before Christmas!

However, Christmas was great, Ed came up on Xmas day and we had Xmas dinner, watched the Queen's speech, then I had a surprise as Ed started up Skype and connected with Stephanie and her family in Munich. We had a very enjoyable half hour with them then jumped into the car with dogs and went to the beach. I have never done that before and it was also Digger's first taste of beaches and sea water. It was lovely seeing them bound round the dunes and beach racing for the twigs Ed threw for them. We spent an hour there then came back and dossed in the living room and watched a DVD then some telly before going to bed.
Boxing Day was taken up with getting Ed up for his breakfast, sorting out my computer, having lunch from Xmas day left-overs and seeing him on his way home before he took off for Slovakia.
After that I could not get going again, so I decided to sit in the living room and watch one of the DVD's I had been given, so totally decadent.
The last few days I have been adding shelves to my lobby and
bought a stack of drawers t
o house all my scrap booking papers and bits so I am now very tidy and have unearthed a set of course notes for a course I couldn't take part in before Christmas. I have worked through 3 lessons and just have the 4th to complete and that will add another skill to my CV...Ha, like I need one now! Anyway here are some pictures of the work so far.

I have also cut out two more waistcoats but don't have any calico to make the interlining so they will have to wait until tomorrow before I can buy some more and start sewing them up before Bert comes on Wednesday...well, back to stress and time management, why should 2009 be any different?