With hindsight, last week was good. I didn't think so as the days went by, but looking back I think we are over the bad times again.
Bert's colostomy bag began to work on the Monday, and one of his drains came out on the Tuesday. He was given some soup on the Wednesday for the first time and said it was awful! I think his taste buds need educating again - maybe? His catheta is out now and all he has left is one drain which we are hoping will come out this next week. He is able to move about without pushing a trolley load of tubes and bags etc. and is complaining that the ward is cold and giving the nurses a hard time. He had one day when he was really down - maybe Wednesday - and wondered if he was going to make it when he saw others coming and going and he was still left there. He seems to be over that now.
I went to the market on Thursday and got 3 orders, two from women, who would not believe me when I said "I don't do women". Still, if they want to take the chance who am I to refuse? The third waistcoat was for a farmer from Gloucester who wanted several waistcoats and would order against the first if it went OK - the type of order I like to get. I spent today, Sunday, cutting out for him and one of the other ladies. Funnily enough I had already cut a small size in the fabric she chose so it was just a matter of adding the bits and pieces that no-one sees.
Last week, I also finished my daughter's present, not sure if she should have it for her birthday on 15th December or for Christmas; I'll have to ask her. I had to sign up for another course to finish it off because I wanted to do something special but, don't you know, didn't have the expertise to get it right! I now have my kitchen table back ready for the next present; for my middle son, Philip and family.
My eldest son, Gareth, called and I showed him all the jobs that I need doing, so I don't think I'll see him again any time soon! He is back from a tour in Canada and has transferred to a base about 2 miles from where he now lives. He says the work is horrendous, 18 hour shifts and little time to sleep, mainly because there are very few workmen left in England to support the troups here as most of them are posted abroad. I do wonder who makes these decisions because they take no account of personnel, just numbers on boards I imagine.
My dogs are doing well, and Digger has acquired a waist, bless him, he is so active he burns off the calaries trying to keep up with Peggy. He is doing well at social club but still nervous of larger dogs and tends to let them know he's not to be messed with. We are told this is normal behaviour and not to worry, he'll integrate when he's ready. Peggy just goes off and does her own thing; she comes when called and is quite a responsible adult now. Digger sometimes finds it difficult to come through the dog flap in the kitchen door and she is always there to show him the way, he just has to winge a bit and she picks it up wherever she is and shows him what to do. They are playing tug of war at the moment and are evenly weighted so it's anyone's guess who will win. Usually they agree to a draw, which is nice.
Tomorrow is work day and back to making waistcoats. I did sign up for a small course on making silk fusion, but I've been so agitated that I've had to ask for a pass. I have the course notes and will get to work when I find some me-time. My book binding course starts on Nov 8th and I'm signed up for card making next Wednesday and scrap booking on Friday evening and all day Saturday. It will be the first time with the scrap booking and I'm looking forward to seeing what we make and how to incorporate it into what I like to do. I also have a course starting on 1st November that came free with Maggie Grey's new book and my first task is to find a catalogue and score cuts into it and put it outside to weather for 3 months! This should be very interesting as I have no idea what we'll be making from the result.
This is getting a long blog and no pictures so I'd better sign off.
5 years ago